Student Loan Payback, What You Should Know
When you make your way through college and eventually graduate, you will start getting notifications from your student loan company or companies. It’s essential to meet with an accountant in Overland Park to plan a strategy for the best […]
Expensing HVAC Costs on Your Business or Rental Properties
HVAC costs can be pricey, but you can expense some of the costs associated with it as a business owner. The main differentiator is to determine if the cost is a capital improvement or a yearly repair expense, according to […]
Soft Skills Every Accountant Should Have
A group of skills that every professional needs in order to be successful in the workplace; these are known as soft skills. This is also true for a CPA in Overland Park according to the Journal of Accountancy. Most hiring […]
How to Write A Professional Email as An Accountant
Writing an email can sometimes be an art form. One skill an Overland Park accounting firm should possess is the ability to conveying what you are saying in a clear, concise way that evokes interest and communicates what is […]
Tax-Filing Tips for First-Time Overland Park Business Owners
In your first year as a business owner, you are sure to experience lots of new things, including filing business tax returns for the first time. Tax preparation in Overland Park can seem a bit overwhelming for a new […]
What is the Best Accounting Software for Your Home Business?
Although there is no substitute for working with an experienced Overland Park accounting firm (like Pro 31 in Louisburg) for your small business needs, many businesses still opt to do their own accounting and bookkeeping in-house. Taking on this […]